Ordering products on your storefront
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Organizing your products is an important factor to increase the user-friendliness of your store. The following article describes how your products could be organized.
Ordering options could be found under Menu manager->Your product’s menu item->Common options-> Article order.
Use global - This would display the articles in the order as specified on the Joomla Global c configuration(under System->Global configuration->Articles->Shared->Article order).
Featured products(articles) first- The products that are marked as featured, would be listed first followed by the others.
Most recent first - The most recently created products/ articles would be listed first. Oldest first- This option would allow the product that are the oldest to be displayed first.
Title alphabetical- With this option you could sort your products based on their titles in alphabetical order. Title reverse alphabetical- This option would sort the products in the reverse alphabetical order.
Author Alphabetical- The products would be sorted based on their author names alphabetically. Author reverse alphabetical- Products will be ordered based on their author names in reverse alphabetical order.
Most hits- The products that have received most hits would be listed first. Least hits- The products with the least hits would appear first.
Article order- The order in which they are sorted in the Content->articles part would be the order of the products at the Frontend.
Consider both Category and Article ordering : This option you could sort your products based on the ordering of the Categories and also the products/articles within the Category either in Ascending or Descending order.
Ordering Direction& Category Ordering Direction:
Choose whether the Product Articles should be ordered alphabetically from A to Z(ascending) or from Z to A(descending).
The value you choose here should be the same as the one chosen under Content->Articles->Sort Table by:
Similarly for the category ordering direction, the value chosen at the menu should match the one chosen at the Content->Categories->Sort table by option.
For Example : Let us consider that you have a Clothing store and there are two Categories one as Men's Clothing with various products such as Belt, Hat, T-Shirt, Shirt, and so on and other as Women's Clothing with products as Tops, Skirts, Jeans, so on.
Let us assume that you wish to create a menu which displays all the products of all the above categories in the following category order:
The products of Men's category should be displayed in ascending order.
Then the products of Women's category should be listed in ascending order.
Let us learn how this ordering can be achieved.
1) Go to Menu Manager->YOUR PRODUCT MENU->Common options tab.
2) Set the article ordering option to Consider both category and article ordering.
3) Set the option Ordering direction to Order ascending in the same tab.
4) Set the Category ordering direction to Order ascending in the same tab.
4) Navigate to content->categories, sort the categories in alphabetical order by dragging and dropping them.
5) Set the option sort table by in the left top corner to Ordering ascending
6) Similarly Navigate to Content->articles->set the sort table by option here as ordering ascending.
7) Set the option sort table by in the right top corner to Ordering ascending.
8) Now at the frontend, all the products should be displayed as per the categories and products in ascending order.