Troubleshooting Common Issues
This topic would cover the following topics:
Is making changes on product not saves ?
[HOW TO]Fix enter your valid Address information Error
Change default country in checkout
Order products in list layout
Options from dropdown cannot be selected
Solve jQuery conflict with Multi-categories component
Writing template override for the frontend order view and print layouts
HOWTO make checkout address field labels language friendly
Selling Digital Goods Online with J2Store
Joom SEF configuration for J2Store
How to Remove + and - Prefix in Product Option Price
HOW To Translate the Address Field Labels
HOW TO change the colour of add to cart buttons
Writing a Layout override for Joomla article manager - An intro image
HOWTO solve javascript conflict between some of RocketTheme templates and J2Store
How to translate payment option title
Hiding Product Options And Cart Button In Category View
Override Product Layout
HOW TO set up and enable SSL in Joomla
How to solve the product link in search results
[HOW TO]Fix product you are trying to access is disabled
Is your digital product showing NEVER in expiry column
[HOW TO]Solve terms and conditions popup box freeze
Is making changes on product not saves ?
Make sure you are not using the MySQL PDO driver of Joomla Go to Global configuration -> Server -> Database settings.
Make sure the Database driver is either MySQL or MySQLi The PDO driver of Joomla has a bug (for a long time).
[HOWTO] Change default country in checkout
Login to Joomla administrator and go to Components -> J2Store Go to Set up> Custom fields
Open the Country field and choose your default country. Save.
Open the Zone ID field and choose your default zone. Save.
Clear Joomla cache and check.
[HOWTO] Order products in list layout
The product list layout by default takes the ordering in the Article Manager. However, you can change this ordering (on page load / refresh) via the Menu Parameters.
NOTE: This tutorial applies only for those using the J2Store’s Product List Layout in Version 3. If you use the default article layouts, refer the Joomla documentation on ordering of articles.
Login to Joomla administration and open the menu that links your product list.
Under the Common Options tab, you can find Article Order parameter. There you can choose the ordering method.
[HOWTO] Options from dropdown cannot be selected
This issue occurs when your site has two instances of the Jquery UI library.
In Version 3:
Go to Configuration - basic settingsSet the Load Jquery UI to Only Front End.Save In Version 2 :Go to J2Store - Options - Basic settingsSet the Load Jquery UI to Only Front End.Save.
[HOWTO] solve jQuery conflict with Multi-categories component
If you are using the Multi-cateogies component (which adds the ability to choose more than one category for your articles), you might experience a jQuery conflict with J2Store. Here is a quick fix
Are you using Multi-categories component ?If yes, then the issue comes due to loading of multiple Jquery UI instances.
Here is a quick fix
Open /administrator/components/com_j2store/helpers/strapper.php
Around line 33, you will find $document->addScript(JURI::root(true).’/media/j2store/js/j2storejqui.js’);
Change this to if($mainframe->isSite()) {$document->addScript(JURI::root(true).’/media/j2store/js/j2storejqui.js’);}
Logout. Clear browser cache and test.
This should fix the issue.
Writing template override for the frontend order view and print layouts
This tutorial applies to J2store 3.x versions. You will nedd to use your hosting CPanel file manager or an FTP client like filezilla to carry out the following tasks.
The following file control the display of order details in frontend. orderitems.php = This controls the display the order details in email and invoice template(frontend order view)
Let us see how to override the orderitems.php
Copy /components/com_j2store/views/myprofile/tmpl/orderitems.php
to /templates/YOURTEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/myprofile/orderitems.php
Edit the file /templates/YOURTEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/myprofile/orderitems.php
Make your changes on overrides. Save. You need to do the same if you want to override.
HOW TO make checkout address field labels language friendly
In a multi-lingual Joomla site, the checkout step doesn’t convert to other language and seems to still show in english. How to make it appear in your own language ?Simple, just rename the custom field labels as follows and it will quickly consider picking the language strings from your local language pack.
Still if you do not see the translation, please check your language pack for the following strings and translate them in your language.
language file location /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_j2store.ini
Selling Digital Goods Online with J2Store
Selling ebooks, PDF, images and files online is easy with the J2Store Joomla shopping cart. Here is a step-by-step guide to set up your digital downloads.
Step 1: Let us create a folder on your site to upload the files
You can use your Hosting Providers CPanel File manager or an FTP client like FileZilla to access your web root (public_html / www / httpdocs ) Once you are in the web root, create a folder. Let us name it as: myfiles
Step 2: Protect the folder from outside access
We do not want people to access this folder using their browser and download files. So let us protect this folder using a .htaccess file.
Create a file called htaccess.txt in your computer and open it with your favorite text editorAdd the following lines to it
order deny, allow or deny form all
Save the file. Now upload it to the folder we just have created in our web root. In our example, it is myfiles
IMPORTANT: Rename it as .htaccess
All the files uploaded to this folder is now protected.
Step 3: Point J2Store to use the files in this folder.
Go to Joomla adminj2storeConfigurationBasic settings.
In Folder path for digital goods, enter the name of the folder that contains your files. In our example, it is: myfiles
Save the configuration.
Step 4: Creating your first digital product
J2Store uses Joomla articles as products. So head to Joomla admin -> Article Manager and create an article.
Fill in the title, description, add an image and set all other fields and Save.
Go to J2Store cart tab and set all the fields and Save.
Now go to files tab in the navigation you can see Set product files button.
Solving the missing currency symbol in your store
When you install, J2Store sets USD as the default currency. When store owners change the currency code, they often forgot to update their default currency in their store profile.
When you see the currency symbol missing, it is an indication that:
You have either changed the currency code or deleted the USD and then created a new currency for your country.
You forgot to reflect these changes in the Store profile.
SolutionGo to J2Store admin -> Set up - > -> configuration -> Store
Choose your Default Currency.
IMPORTANT:Hit the Save button. Even if you see your currency is selected by default, it may not be saved in the store profile database. Since it is the only currency available (you deleted the USD or any other currency), the dropdown list shows the first currency available.
So CLICK the SAVE button. Still not seeing the Currency symbol, open your store again and click SAVE again.
Joom SEF configuration for J2Store
If you are using JoomSEF along with J2Store, you will need to make simple change in the configuration. Go to JoomSEF configuration -> Advanced Configuration. Change the Set Page base href value to Yes - always use only base URL.
How to Remove + and - Prefix in Product Option Price
Store owners sometimes want to hide the + (PLUS) and the - (MINUS) prefix that is shown along with the product options. In J2Store Version 3, you turn off the price prefix with a switch.
Default Joomla article layouts (like Category blog layout):
Go to J2StoreConfigurationProduct tab.
Set Product option price prefix to HIDE
Product list layout:
If you use the J2Store’s product list layout, then you will find a similar switch in the menu parameters.
Open the menu that links your product list layout and go to Common Options.
Set Product option price prefix to HIDE
HOW To Translate the Address Field Labels
If you wanted to translate the Address field labels, you can enter your translation in the respective fields.Go to Joomla admin -> J2Store -> Set up -> Custom Fields
Open the field, the label of which you want to change, and enter your translation in the label field.
Multi-lingual sites
if you are running multi-lingual site, you can enter a language constant in the label field.Example: J2STOREMYFIELD_NAME
Then you can go to Language manager and create an Override. IMPORTANT: Set the Filter to Administrator before you create an override.
Click New
Language Constant: J2STOREMYFIELD_NAME
Text: Your translation
Check the For Both locations
You can repeat this steps for your second, third, and other languages.
You can use language strings in all the fields including Custom Error message, Option Titles (if field type is select, radio, checkbox).
HOW TO change the colour of add to cart buttons
A majority of those who wanted to change the colour of the buttons are using template with a template that does not support the Twitter bootstrap framework, which helps you make your site responsive.
We have added a name-spaced bootstrap css in the J2Store package. So if your template does not support bootstrap, J2Store will use the bootstrap CSS included in the package. If your template supports bootstrap, then J2Store will inherit your template style, without you changing any CSS.
The following is a guide to those who want to change the button colours
Open your template’s css file located in /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/css folder.
At the end of the file, add the following CSS. Save the file. Clean your browser cache and joomla cache. Refresh.
Add to cart button
.j2store .btn-primary {background: #FF0000 !important; /*this will change your button colour to red. You can change the hex colour code based on your choice */
Writing a Layout override for Joomla article manager - An intro image
Layout overrides is a feature introduced in Joomla 3. They provide more modularity for templates across views and avoid duplication of code for a same design. Consider a situation In Joomla caregory blog layout, you have to make a Joomla Article intro image a hyperlink with the read more button link. If you are using prostar template you can use this below.
Step 1: Write a layout override
You can use a file manager in your Hosting Control panel or an FTP client like FileZilla for doing the following tasks.
Step 2: Edit the override layout
Find below code
Replace above code with following code
Once you have finished editing, save the changes. Now you are done.
NOTE: If something went wrong, just delete.
JOOMLA-ROOT/templates/TEMPLATE>/html/layouts/joomla/content/introimage.php and go to Step 1.
HOWTO solve javascript conflict between some of RocketTheme templates and J2Store
If you are using a RocketTheme template with the RokBox plugin, then you might have experienced a javascript conflict at the checkout steps.
One of our users Joe from click here found the solution:
The rokbox has a new version RokBox2 and there is an option to use “backward compatibility” that can be found in the plug in settings
If users take the steps to upgrade RokBox2 “correctly” and then turn off the “backward” option then J2store checkout steps will work good.
You can find the details to update rokBox here click here click on the DOCUMENTATION link on the right to get all the details on how to correct rokBox in older templates
NOTE: If you are upgrading from RokBox1 and you are using the old RokBox syntax, such as {rokbox} or < rel=“rokbox”>.., you can enable the Backward Compatibility from both the System and Content plug-in. You will also have to enable Backward Compatibility if you are using the Login or Module Popup Feature in any of our templates prior to Alerion. Those templates will be updated over time to be compatible with RokBox2 over time. Be aware that the Backward compatibility can dramatically slow down the loading of your site. It is highly suggested to convert the old syntax into the new one.
[HOW TO]Fix enter your valid Address information Error
Are you using the USPS plugin ? If yes, open the USPS plugin and set the Address validation to No.Save. If the address provided is not in the USPS API’s database, then it would throw this error. (Even if an extra space or typo in the address with throw the error.)
How to translate payment option title
It is possible and very easy to translate the payment option title for multilingual site. Open your payment method and enter the language constant as a payment option title.
Video Tutorial:
Hiding Product Options And Cart Button In Category View
Do a Template Override
Copy the following files:
Find the below line in all the files
Override Product Layout Layout file location
Go to /components/com_j2store/templates which contains two folders named bootstrap3 and default(bootstrap2).
If you choose bootstrap3 as sub-template then you have to go with bootstrap3 folder.
If you choose default as sub-template then you have to go with default folder.
Frontpage product listing files
Open your sub-template folder(/components/comj2store/templates/YOUR-SUB-TEMPLATE) where you can find the files with name started with default(for example, default_simple.php, default_images.php, etc). Those files controls all the features displaying in the category listing page.
OVERRIDE PATH: templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/templates/YOUR-SUB-TEMPLATE/
Product view
Open your sub-template folder where you can find the files with name started with view(for example, view_simple.php, view_images.php, view_options.php, view_notabs.php, etc). Those files controlled all the features displaying in the Product view page.
OVERRIDE PATH: templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/templates/YOUR-SUB-TEMPLATE/
File location of filter: Following files controls filter section, /components/comj2store/templates/YOUR-SUB-TEMPLATE/default_filters.php
OVERRIDE PATH: templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/templates/YOUR-SUB-TEMPLATE/
Cart page
Cart page is controlled by the files located in the follwing path /components/com_j2store/views/carts/tmpl
OVERRIDE PATH: templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/carts/
Checkout page Checkout is controlled by the files located in the follwing path /components/com_j2store/views/checkout/tmpl
OVERRIDE PATH: templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/checkout/
Order history page Order history page is controlled by the files located in the following path/components/com_j2store/views/myprofile/tmpl
OVERRIDE PATH: /templates/YOUR-TEMPLATE/html/com_j2store/myprofile/
HOW TO set up and enable SSL in Joomla?
Most of the Joomla web shop owners want their site to be secure. By installing and enabling SSL in Joomla,
you can protect your site and your customers from some exploits. When you are running an e-commerce site, you will be getting customer information that has to be kept confidential.
Adding an SSL certificate and enabling it on your Joomla! site will allow customers to log in with the secure “https” protocol instead of the standard “http” prefix. You can turn SSL on for Administrators only, for the whole site (recommended) or selected pages.
IMPORTANT: You should request your Web Hosting Provider to install and enable the SSL certificate before you follow the steps mentioned below.
Method 1: Enabling SSL for the entire site
Navigate to Global Configuration -> Server -> Force SSL : Entire site. Click Apply/Save. This will force SSL for your entire website, both Administrator and front end.If you don’t have SSL enabled for your domain name, you will immediately get an error upon saving.
Please note!: The Joomla! global configuration allows you to configure SSL, but if a visitor enters a Joomla! page through non-HTTPS (I mean “old” URLs), this visitor is not automatically redirected.
Using a text editor open the configuration.php file from your site and find this line,var $live_site =”;
Replace it with:
var $livesite =” target=”blank” rel=“noopener”>click here
Then go to your .htaccess file and add these lines to the end of the file:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
SSL for selected pages
You would have to use a plugin to enable SSL for selected pages. There is a couple of plugins that makes the job easy for you. Yireo SSL Redirection plugin is one of them. You get the plugin from here
Before experimenting with SSL, please keep in mind that it may affect your site loading speed. Because, serving HTTPS traffic costs more in resources than HTTP requests.
NOTE: If you are using the Yiero plugin, then you should include the J2Store component for SSL. Otherwise you might face issues.
The following article published in the Joomla Magazine throws light on the advantages and disadvantages of SSL. Read it before you implement SSL in your website. Read it
How to solve the product link in search results
When you are searching product using joomla search, clicking on product name in the search results will not take you to the J2Store product view.
By default, J2Store has Search plugin included in the package so go to Extensions -> Plugins and choose type Search.
You can find the plugin Search - J2Store.
Enable / open the plugin and setup the configurations as like in the below screenshot.
[HOW TO]Fix product you are trying to access is disabled
There 3 reasons behind this warning message.
If the product you are trying to access is the variable product and you have not yet generated the variants for that product, this kind of warning message will be shown.
You might be having same alias name for the two products.
Alias name of the product might be in number.
Is your digital product showing NEVER in expiry column?
When you change the order status to confirmed manually, you will have to do the below,
Go to J2Store > Sales > Orders. Open the order. On the left side of order history page, check the checkbox Reset download access expiry date and save.
[HOW TO]Solve terms and conditions popup box freeze
Sometimes, the terms and conditions pop up modal box gets freezed and it does not allow you to do anything with that.
This issue is due to choosing of wrong layout for checkout pages. Following the solutions given below
Go to J2Store > Configuration > Basic settings tabChoose Bootstrap 3.x to Cart and checkout pages should use CSS classes. Save.
If it is already set to bootstrap 3.x, change to bootstrap 2.x and check.
How to add your business logo to the invoice and email template ?
Many of you tried adding image in your invoice and email template text editor, but it fails to show it in order invoice and email.
While inserting image, you should have to give a full url for the image source path in toggle editor. For example,
Edit your invoice or email templateTurn on your toggle editorGive full url for your image source pathSave and close without toggle back to text editor.
NOTE: Please use JCE editor as you default editor. TinyMCE editor changes the full url when saving changes and the logo not appears.
How to create additional order statuses ?
Do you want to create additional order statuses like shipped, delivered, paid, etc. ?
Go to J2Store >Localisation > Order statuses
Click New. Enter your status name and label class name
Choose Enable. Save.
Last updated
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