Payson Payment Plugin

This plugin integrates the Payson Payment gateway with J2Store.

Installation Use the Joomla extensions installer to install the plugin.

Plugin Configuration Go to Joomla admin → Plugin Manager and open the Payson plugin.

The plugin has following options:

Payment option title The value entered here will be used as the title for this payment method. Customer will see this value when he checks out.

Agent ID (API ID) The API User ID (Agent ID) provided by Payson.

MD5 Secret (API Key) MD5 Secret (API Key) Provided by the Payson.

Receiver email This is your email that you have registered with Payson while opening an account.

Test mode Set this to YES if you want to test the plugin with the Test server of Payson.

Never set this to YES, when your site is live.

Show Receipt If you set this to Yes, payson will show a receipt to the customer after they made the payment and then returned to your site.

Choose payment methods Payson offers Credit card and bank payments. You can choose both or either one.

Article ID for Thank you message: You can create an article with a thank you or instructions or information to the customer and enter its ID here. This will be displayed to the customer when he returns to the site after making payment.

Display Text on Selection The text entered here will be displayed when customer selects this payment method. You can enter a language constant as a value here if you are using a multi-lingual site and then write a language override. Refer the tips below.


For example, enter a language constant:


Now you can go to Joomla admin-> Language Manager->Overrides and create overrides for the language constant in all your languages.

Display Text before Payment The text entered here will be displayed to the customer at the order summary screen before he makes the payment. You can enter a language constant as a value here if you are using a multi-lingual site and then write a language override. Refer the Display text on selection parameter.

Display Text after Payment/Order The text entered here will be displayed to the customer after he makes the payment. You can enter a language constant as a value here if you are using a multi-lingual site and then write a language override. Refer the Display text on selection parameter.

Display Text on Error in Payment The text entered here will be displayed to the customer when there is an error in the payment process. You can enter a language constant as a value here if you are using a multi-lingual site and then write a language override. Refer the Display text on selection parameter.

Display Text on Cancel Payment The text entered here will be displayed to the customer when he cancels the payment at the gateway (NOT in your site). You can enter a language constant as a value here if you are using a multi-lingual site and then write a language override. Refer the Display text on selection parameter.

Payment Button Text The text of the payment button. The button will be displayed at the final checkout step.

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